Coming Soon

Directed by / Executive Producer

J. Andrew

Produced by

Vishnu Prasad

Co-Executive Producers

Philly Lasiter
Micaela Presti




Ben DeVries
Kathleen Golata
Maggie Jacobs
Scott Jacobs
Stiven Olivares
Jimmy Strano
Julia Zimmerman


Susan Berston
Lynn Riordan
Frank Soda, Jr.

Associate Producers

Celia Brown
Harold Cottman
Patrick Fagan
Anthony Hand
Norman Madden
Luke Powell

Director of Photography

Alex Bierwagen

Consulting Producer

Johnny Symons

Official Movie Poster

About this film

Across four decades a humble coffee shop transformed into a community center and the center for the LGBTQIA+ recovery community. Through the powerful stories of recovery, the film captures the essence of joy and the liberating power of drag, offering viewers an intimate look at the triumphs and setbacks of a community that refuses to be defined by adversity.

Meet Me at the Club is a story of resilience and recovery. It’s a story of hope.

Watch This New Trailer

Double Your Impact Today!

Help us bring the inspiring story of the Castro Country Club to life. From now until September 30th, every dollar you donate will be matched dollar-for-dollar by one of our generous backers—up to $8,000!

A Note from the Director

When I set out to make this film, my goal was to capture the essence of the Castro Country Club through the individual stories of recovery. As a filmmaker—especially in my documentary and documentary-style commercial work—I take pains to remove myself, completely, from my work, to recede from the narrative as much as possible. But, over the last year it became clearer to me that the CCC isn’t some abstraction. It is the reason I am alive and thriving.

As it turns out, I’ve made a deeply personal film.

Sometimes I forget just how far I’ve come. Then I found a several old video diary entries recorded during the most difficult years of my life. It’s been challenging to hold space for all this past suffering, for the person I was, and for the man I am today. When I look back at these periods of intense upheaval in my life, I whisper something kind to myself, something that the younger version of myself needed to hear. A little extra love, a little extra care. I tell that Justin that I love him and that everything is going to be okay. I sit with him until he finds some peace.

And maybe that’s how the universe works. If I can just send enough love and strength back through the cosmos to my previous self, I can strengthen the foundation for the life I lead today.

In the four years I’ve been working on this project, I’ve interviewed dozens and dozens of people. There’s literally no way I could possibly put all of it into the finished film. So, over the course of 2024 and 2025, we will be releasing a series of videos that will serve as companion pieces to the film. We’re calling it Meet Me at the Club: Stories of Hope.

We still need your help to finish the film. Will you join the more than 150 supporters of this film, and back this project today?

Meet me at the club is the inspiring story and legacy of one of the nation’s oldest LGBTQIA+ sober community centers—San Francisco’s Castro Country Club—as told by the folks whose lives were saved.

Watch more Stories of Hope

Castro Country Club Mission Statement

“The Castro Country Club is a safe & sober gathering place for all people and a home for the LGBTQ recovery community. We endeavor to be a space where all can seek wisdom, serenity, courage and joy.”

Help Us raise Finishing Funds

This important film is truly a bottom-up, community-led project. With nearly 200 mostly small-dollar donors, we have been able to fund our production efforts. While we are working to identify and apply for grant funding, we need to continue raising money from the community so that we can finish the film in time for a Summer 2025 premiere.

This film is a vibrant celebration of the lives and stories that have intersected at our beloved Club, showcasing the strength and resilience of the LGBTQIA+ recovery community. We need to raise $50,000 by September 30, 2024 to cover essential post-production expenses. Will you join us in bringing this film to the big screen?

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In Memoriam — Legacy Tribute
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In Memoriam — Legacy Tribute
Preserve Their Legacy
Anonymous Donor
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Anonymous Donor
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Co-Executive Producer
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Lee Hewitt

CCC Volunteer, Retired Clinical Social Worker

“I have seen many many people come here off the streets, wanting to get sober. Some people do go out and relapse, are gone for a while, but they come back in here because they know that we’re a safe space, and we’re going to accept them, give ‘em a hug, give ‘em a cup of coffee.”

Ways You Can Help


We need your help to bring this story to the big screen. So far we have raised more than $25,000 between our initial Indiegogo campaign in 2022, and our funraising campaign on this website, but we are still short of our goals. (Did you know that a typical feature-length documentary film budget is between $500,000 and $1,500,000?)

the Word

We understand that in these times of economic uncertainty, with rising costs for food, housing, and fuel, every dollar is more precious. We are immensely grateful to you for your support of this project. But, there are other ways you can help too!

Tell your friends about this campaign, share it on social media, and send your contacts text messages asking them to join you.

Share this link:

Host a

We are taking an old-fashioned, queer-cinema approach to fundraising and distribution. As we work our way through post-production, we are looking for volunteers to host a private, in-home fundraiser for the film where they can invite friends to donate. We will work with you to make the event memorable, fun, and bring some of our interview subjects with us for a Q&A.

If you have are interested in learning more, please email J. Andrew at:

Holiday Appeal 2023

Thank you Sisters!

Thursday, December 14, 2023 — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have awarded Liberty Lane Films a $1,000 grant to support the production of LGBTQ+ documentary, Meet Me at the Club: The Castro Country Club Story

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Liberty Lane Films, an award-winning film production company based in San Francisco, California, known for its thought-provoking narrative and documentary films, received a $1,000 grant from the The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a leading-edge Order of queer and trans nuns who believe all people have a right to express their unique joy and beauty. The Sisters support under-funded, small organizations and projects providing direct services to under-served communities. The majority of these organizations and projects receive little, if any, government or mainstream funding and may be in the early stages of development. The Sisters chose to support this film because it’s a project that promotes wellness, joy, tolerance, and diversity within our community.

“I am so honored and deeply humbled by the generosity of The Sisters who are supporting this important project. My life has been immeasurably impacted by the grace, love and support from individual sisters over the years, and this is further proof that The Sisters are at work in miraculous ways in my life.”

— J. Andrew
Director, Liberty Lane Films

As Meet Me at the Club enters the next phase of post-production, it is essential that we continue to raise funds to support this project. With the help of this $1,000 grant from The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc., we are well on our way towards achieving our $12,000 year-end fundraising goal.

At a time where hundreds of lives are lost each day to addiction and alcoholism, Meet Me at the Club stands as a timely and poignant testament to the hope and resilience that the Castro Country Club provides everyone who crosses its threshold.

For press inquiries and further information, please contact:
J. Andrew


Proudly serving hope since 1983.

For nearly 40 years, the Castro Country Club has served as a refuge for the LGBTQ+ recovery community in the heart of San Francisco's Castro District.

Since the early days of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the Castro Country Club has withstood the test of time to become one of the most valued community treasures in San Francisco. The Castro Country Club’s story needs to be told. Now more than ever it is important to tell the stories of those who recovered from a hopeless state of mind and body.

The mission of the CCC is simple: The Castro Country Club is a safe and sober gathering place for all people and a home for the LGBTQ recovery community that endeavors to be a space where all can seek wisdom, serenity, courage and joy. With Meet Me at the Club we are capturing the spirit of this historic non-profit organization through the stories of its community to weave an inspirational story with which everyone can identify.

Hi, my name is J

Most in the recovery community know me as Justin, but in the film world, I’m known simply as "J." I am an award-winning film director, writer, producer and production designer based in San Francisco. After a successful career in photography and advertising, I decided to go back to school to study film. In 2021, I graduated summa cum laude from City College of San Francisco, and, in 2022, I received a Certificate of Achievement in Directing from CCSF. Currently, I am a senior at San Francisco State University's School of Cinema where I’ve been selected to participate in a small cohort of seniors who will each write, direct and produce an undergraduate thesis film. Additionally, I have two films selected to premiere at the 2022 SF Queer Film Fest—This Old Tearoom and Here For Now.

In addition to my film work, I volunteer with community organizations in San Francisco, including at the Castro Country Club. Meet Me at the Club is a story that is very near and dear to my heart and I am honored to have the support of so many community members as my team and I work to finish the film.

I want your input

I need help from the community. If you have a special story about the Castro Country Club, or you are interested in supporting my efforts to tell these stories and make this film, please reach out to me at Thank you for helping make this film possible.

Thank You

It has been such a soul-enriching process putting this film together, and I am humbled and honored that so many folks have supported this project. By successfully raising more than $26,000 across all platforms, we are well on our way towards our fundraising goal.

Recently, I made the decision to pull the film from consideration at festivals for the remainder of 2023. Though this was a difficult decision, I believe it is the right one. With the longer post-production timeline, my team and I can fully finish this film, and give this story the time, care and attention it deserves. It will also allow us more time to seek a variety of partners and fund sources to fully fund the film.

It has been a transformative and moving experience for me as a filmmaker to capture all these stories of hope, while telling the history of the club through the stories of its community. Thank you all for your generosity and your faith in me and my team.

Yours in Community,


A look at some of the interviews we’ve already filmed.

Thank you

This film is not funded or sponsored by the Castro Country Club and donations to the film are not tax-deductible, and distributed funds do not benefit the CCC. See FAQs for more information.